About Me!

Hi, my name is Abi! I’m a musical theatre student at The Urdang Academy based in London.

The Deskbound Dramatic was born as a way to spend my time when I wasn’t able to partake in musical theatre physically. I had an accident back in 2017 where I dislocated my kneecap, preventing me from walking and performing for a long time. Writing gave me something positive to do and a way to document my road to recovery.

I recovered from that injury and began taking the steps to train professionally in musical theatre however in 2022 I was diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis which is arthritis of the spine. Initially this was a really tough thing to process and I felt as though my future had been derailed. Since then however I have realised that hope hasn’t been lost and I need to work with my body rather than against it.

My blog got its name because I wasn’t able to move when I started writing so I was physically desk-bound! Now I continue to write under the same name to shed light on training for a hugely physical industry whilst living with a chronic illness. Working with injury can be so disheartening without adequate support and is often stigmatised in training environments out of fear that it will hold you back. My aim is to write honestly about my experiences and hopefully encourage people to recognise that they are not alone if they are in a similar boat.

Keep in touch online!

@TheDeskboundDramatic – Instagram

@abia234 – Instagram
